All items in the Green Friday Sale are PRE-ORDER items. This means they are not ready to ship and will be made to order. All items will be sent by 11 December or before. Orders will be sent EXPRESS with Australia post and you will receive a tracking number once the order has been sent.
You will receive a FREE gift when you spend over $120. The gift is valued at $55 and is pair of sterling silver hoop earrings with natural freshwater pearls.
Bonus: FREE Christmas wrapping. If you would like to avail of Christmas wrapping please let us know in the notes section of checkout.
Green Friday Pre-Sale offer is valid from 10 November to 13 November 2023.
The free gift will be added to orders over $120 upon checkout. One free gift per transaction.
The free gift is not redeemable for cash, cannot be redeemed against a prior purchase and cannot be exchanged for another product.
The free gift is only offered in conjunction with items purchased in the Green Friday Pre-Order Sale.
1 free gift wrapping per transaction.
The Green Friday Sale Offer cannot be used with another discount offer or code. Such as the Welcome10 discount code or the discount code generated from email/sms subscription. Orders placed with multiple discount codes will be cancelled.